Ten tips for a positive perspective from Dale Carneige (more about Dale Carneige)
- "When a fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade." - For example if you find out that your big love is together with someone else is that the lemon. An information that you don't like or never wanted to hear. But it's a fact. What you do about it is on you. You can through the lemon to his face but you can also make a delicious lemonade out of it!!!
- "Don't forget, luck doesn't depend on who you are or what you have; it depends on what you think." - Almost a buddhistical wisdom from Carnegie. Beside laughing this is maybe the most simple medicine on earth. Life is short, so instead of being annoyed at something try to take it with humor - laugh about it! What happen is not the reason why you're getting angry, you get angry about things you associate. - So laugh about it!
- "Don't waste time with thoughts about people, who you don't like." - How much time did you already spend with rage about someone or something? How much time do you spend talking about other people you don't like how they're acting in life? - Let it be! Don't let people who annoy you take your energy.
- We should not (be allowed to) expect gratefulness, instead it should be a pleasure to give and take (give-and-take basis) - One of the biggest problem for human is the unfulfilled expectations - our relationships, our current account balance, our body and our fellow men. Detach yourself from that when you give time, words or material things away. Give without any expectations makes you happy!
- Nobody ever died of to less sleeping. The worries about to less sleep are demaging not the insomnia itself. - Couldn't you sleep at night because you had to much stress at work? Are you suffering to fall asleep because you always think of him/her? Did you feel bad because you ate to much in front of the tv or you didn't do thinks you wanted to do during the day? The sleeplessness makes you aware what makes you angry. Hang a slip of paper next to the mirror and note as from now what caused you trouble yesterday. I'll wager that you'll worry less today?! By reason that it already looted your sleep yesterday. GOOD NIGHT! =)
- How important is the think you worry about really? - Homework: Write down the top 10 biggest problems you have. What do you notice? Problems that can easily be solved?!
- Let the past be the past. - Don't brood over something that didn't work - relationship, job, friendship or whatever. That things have an ending belongs to life, otherwise we wouldn't have capacity for new things. So let things go and live at the moment and not in the past!
- Learn to relax at home - Not just thinking of going home and be at home, watching tv or call a friend and talk about something that bothered you today. No...find something that you can do that don't causes you anger - for example pet your dog or play with him, take pictures or just listen to classical music! Whatever, do it!
- Let's forget about our own bad luck by making our fellow men happy. - You would like to change a lot in life - your job, better salary, more adventures and so on...than you think other people also manage this! So you always feel in a competition! Stop that....Stop focusing on your sorrows and start helping other people.
- Your life takes place today - the only life which is certain. - Don't butcher it with worries, fears, problems or unhappiness. Well, not everything is good. If somebody asks you:"Is everything good?", then just answer with a smile: "No, not everything, but the most...". Start talking about the nice, easy and joyful things in life. You have a good life for being happy, haven't you? Nobody has no worries, but everybody has also more than a life. So live...
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