Dienstag, 17. September 2013

Mölkky - let's learn to play a finnish game!

Our tutors organized an event for the exchange students of behavioral science, which took place today at late afternoon.

Everything you need to play Mölkky!

«Mölkky is a very popular Finnish outdoor throwing game. This game of wooden skittles is similar to several other games of its kind played throughout Europe since the Middle Ages. Mölkky is suitable for the whole family and you can play it outside wherever you please. Tuoterengas owns the Mölkky -trademark.»
cf.: http://www.molkkyliitto.fi/en/ (17.09.2013, 22:57)

«The Mölkky-game is suitable for the whole family. Scoring of the game is recorded on the scorecard. The game is not suitable for children under three years old.
Skittles: numbered 1 - 12 
Throw skittle: MölkkyNumber of players: two and up
Throwing order: In the first game draw the order. In following ones, throw according to the previous game results form lowest to highest score.
Scorekeeper: Players take turns acting as scorekeepers. See also "ending the game".
Beginning the game: For a tight group af skittles (see the diagram) 10 - 13 feet from the throwing place. First player throws at the grouping.
Fallen skittle: A skittle is not considered fallen if it is leaning on another skittle or on the Mölkky throwing skittle. After a throw fallen skittles are uprighted at the place where the fell.
Scoring: If one skittle falls, the score = the number on the skittle. When more than one fall, the score = the number of fallen skittles.
Ending the game: If player misses (has no score) three times in a row, he/she is out of game and acts as the scorekeeper. The game ends when the first player reaches exactly 50 points. If one scores over 50, that player\'s score is lowered to 25.»
cf.: http://www.molkkyliitto.fi/en/Rules/ (17.09.2013, 29:09)

Pin layout

cf.: http://www.molkkyliitto.fi/en/Rules/ (17.09.2013, 29:09) 

Position of pins and mölkkaari at startup
cf.: http://www.molkkyliitto.fi/en/Rules/ (17.09.2013, 29:09) 

It can get really difficult!

If you also want to play Mölkky and you can't find the game in a shop, just do it yourself - out of wood like the original or you could do the cheaper and quicker version out of PET bottles filled with sand...

Try it and have fun...!

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